Foundation Announces Results of Biggest Day in Local PhilanthropyMAY 12, 2021 - HAMPTON ROADS — On Wednesday, May 12, Peninsula Community Foundation (PCF) announced record-breaking results for its annual Give Local 757! campaign. On Tuesday, May 11, PCF held its annual day of philanthropy to encourage residents to support local nonprofit organizations.
Like last year, this year’s celebration was held virtually. Due to the challenges that these organizations faced particularly over the last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, PCF recognized the amplified need to raise funds so that these organizations could continue their work. READ |
Non-profit looks to raise money on Give Local 757 DayMAY 11, 2021 - VIRGINIA BEACH, Va - Tuesday is a day of giving in Hampton Roads. Give Local 757 is all about raising money for local non-profit organizations that strengthen the community. “We’re working hard this year with Give Local," said Joy Rios, the founder and Executive Director of Connect With A Wish. READ
Give Local 757: Mosaic Steel OrchestraMAY 10, 2021 - NORFOLK, Va. — Music is his means and reaching kids is his mission. Dr. Anthony Hailey started Mosaic Steel Orchestra in 2006, hoping to connect local youth with his passion for steelpan, more popularly known as steel drums. “I saw a need in the community for children to have access to music programs that were relevant and accessible to them,” said Hailey. READ
GIVE LOCAL 757: Opera in WilliamsburgMAY 10, 2021 - WILLIAMSBURG, Va. — Opera is a complex art form that always stays true to its core. "I like to think of opera as the music is the skeleton, said Naama Zahavi-Ely, Artistic and General Director of Opera in Williamsburg. "It's the frame that holds everything up, that gives it the basic structure." Like many performing arts, the structure of the opera industry has been bent, but not broken, under the weight of COVID-19. "We can't do things as usual, but we can create. We can create very high-quality opera this unusual way," said Zahavi-Ely. VIEW
Hampton Roads’ annual Giving Day is this TuesdayMAY 10, 2021 - HAMPTON ROADS — The region’s 8th annual giving day begins at midnight on Tuesday, May 11. Give Local 757 is a day that is set aside to celebrate all of the great work done by Hampton Roads’ nonprofit organizations while also encouraging residents to donate to these organizations. The Give Local 757 is an initiative that was established by the Peninsula Community Foundation of Virginia (PCF) to inspire and encourage philanthropy. PCF has found this to be especially needed during the coronavirus pandemic. READ
Virginia Beach non-profit in final push before starting inclusive community for people with special needsMAY 10, 2021 - VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. – Tuesday, May 11 is Give Local 757 Day. It’s a campaign where many local non-profit organizations hope to gain the financial support of local residents within one day. One of those non-profits is Vanguard Landing. Yet to be built, it’s an inclusive community that’s designed for those with intellectual and developmental differences. Their motto is: “Where exceptional people live exceptional lives.”. VIEW
Peninsula Community Foundation gearing up for 2021's Give Local 757 fundraiserMAY 10, 2021 - HAMPTON, Va. — After last year's record-breaking campaign, the Peninsula Community Foundation is gearing up for its biggest annual fundraiser.
This time, organizers have a high bar in trying to surpass last year's success. Hundreds of not-for-profits in Hampton Roads will soon be getting a helping hand thanks to a program called the Give Local 757 Initiative, founded by the Peninsula Community Foundation. VIEW |
GIVE LOCAL 757: Equine therapy helps children, veteransMAY 6, 2021 - VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — Like so many other things, crucial physical and mental therapy was put on pause at the height of the pandemic. Stacy Rogers is the executive director of EQUI-KIDS Therapeutic Riding and EQUI-VETS Service programs, which use horses to help people with disabling health conditions. "Riding a horse is as close as a human can get to walking the actual gait. "Horses know the human. And they allow them to express themselves emotionally as well as provide physical benefits through riding." View
GIVE LOCAL 757: The Sarah Michelle Peterson FoundationMAY 4, 2021 - NORFOLK, Va. — Seven years after the darkest days of her life, Michelle Peterson finds herself in a new office space on Colley Avenue in Norfolk. Peterson’s daughter Sarah, then a 15-year-old Maury High School freshman involved in the Girl Scouts and track, died by suicide in 2014. After leaning on friends and family to get through the pain, Peterson says she wrapped her mind around something good. View
GIVE LOCAL 757: Vanguard Landing APRIL 29, 2021 - VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — An old, white farmhouse off Princess Anne Road in Pungo is home to a big vision. It’s something Whitney Dear-Reyes and her mom have been dreaming up for the last decade. “It’s taken some years,” Dear-Reyes said. “But it’s not something done before.”It’s called Vanguard Landing, a non-profit organization that has the family converting the 75-acre plot of land surrounding the farmhouse into a sprawling campus for people with physical and intellectual disabilities. View
GIVE LOCAL 757: The Cat Corner, Inc. APRIL 27, 2021 - HAMPTON, Va. — They're collectively known as the Rugrats.Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, and Lil are 7-week-old rescued kittens that will be ready for adoption soon. For now, their foster mom is Larissa Steblen. She's a volunteer at The Cat Corner, Inc., a nonprofit, no-kill shelter in Hampton. "They've been rescuing cats since 1981, so this is actually our 40th year doing this." View
GIVE LOCAL 757: The Big Free Bookstore is giving back to the Norfolk communityAPRIL 25, 2021 - NORFOLK, Va. — A Norfolk bookstore is giving back to the Norfolk community in a big way. Every book inside their shop is given away free of charge, so families always have something to read. It's called the 'Big Free Bookstore.' Dr. Jennifer Goff is the head of REACH (Reading Enriches All Children), which is the nonprofit behind the bookstore. Read
Give Local 757: Peninsula group helps youth with substance abuse, mental health APRIL 22, 2021 - VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — Give Local 757 Day is May 11! One of the nonprofits you can support, Bacon Street Youth and Family Services, is helping youth and families overcome substance abuse. View
GIVE LOCAL 757: Connect With a WishAPRIL 20, 2021 - VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — Joy Rios started Connect With A Wish in Virginia Beach seven years ago. She was inspired by the great people in the community doing all they could to help children pulled out of their homes and placed into the foster care system. She is now one of those great people. Along with a small group of volunteers, Rios connects generous donations from the community - from essential toiletries and blankets to prom dresses and gifts - with children in foster care. Read
Hampton to break ground on center named for ‘Hidden Figures’ NASA mathematician Mary JacksonJANUARY 25, 2021 - HAMPTON, Va. (Daily Press) - It’s a discussion that has plodded along for the better of five years — how to rebuild two neighborhood centers. One in Olde Hampton, nearly 50 years old, was closed in 2015 and later demolished. The other, in Fox Hill, was blown away in 2014 during a tornado. Read
Langley For Families Foundation Expands Support of Teachers to Fund All 75 Mini-Grants with Peninsula Community FoundationDECEMBER 14, 2020, Newport News, – Each year, Langley For Families Foundation typically grants 30 teachers $500 to support new or existing classroom initiatives. But this year was unlike any other so Langley and the Peninsula Community Foundation together awarded grants to all 75 applicants. Read
Taking the political pulse of Hampton: Aging housing, infrastructure loom largeSEPTEMBER 28, 2020, Hampton, Va. (WAVY) — In the lead-up to the 2020 election, 10 On Your Side is reaching out to community leaders across Hampton Roads and northeast North Carolina to see what they’re looking for in lawmakers. Peninsula Community Foundation CEO Michael Monteith wants elected leaders to find solutions now for problems approaching later. View
757 Give Local is a shining star in dark times.MAY 22, 2020 - Hampton, Va (The Virginian Pilot)-- I have not, to my knowledge, contracted COVID-19, but I’ve still felt its sting. And that makes me like most people in Hampton Roads — or the 757, or Coastal Virginia, or Tidewater, or whatever it is we call this busy little corner of the commonwealth. We’ve all paid a price. I’m lucky enough, though, to have seen silver linings with many of the dark clouds. Read
The Power List | Michael Monteith, CEO, Peninsula Community Foundation of VirginiaMay 18, 2020 - Virginia Beach, Va. (Inside Business) -- Michael Monteith, chief executive officer for the Peninsula Community Foundation of Virginia, said he was struck by how well the economy was progressing at the beginning of 2020. “Foundation investments were doing well. Partners were discussing new ventures. My agenda was dominated with meetings to plan neighborhood revitalization projects and starting new early child development strategies,” he said.
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You did it, Hampton Roads! 'Give Local 757' raised more than $1.6M for nonprofit groups.May 12, 2020 - Norfolk, Va. (13News Now) -- For the seventh year, we put the call out, and the people of Hampton Roads ran with it. Together, we helped raise more than $1.4 million by the end of the day May 12 during Give Local 757.
The event is the region's largest single-day fundraising event. The goal is to raise as much money as possible to benefit hundreds of great nonprofit organizations that provide diverse services and programs to people all year long. This year, your generosity benefits 222 groups. Read |
Give Local 757' is today in Hampton roadsMay 12, 2020 - Portsmouth, Va. (WAVY) -- You can really help out the community by giving to your favorite non-profit during today’s Give Local 757. Tammy Flynn is the Director of Philanthropy at the Peninsula Community Foundation and she joined HRS with the details about Give Local 757. View